Complete Networking Fundamentals for Beginners

So lets learn about Types of  Local Area Networks( Part  1.3)

What are the Wired LAN s (WLANs).

Hosts, such as PC or laptops, are connected to central connecting devices by copper- based twisted pair cabling. 

Wireless LAN s (WLANS)

Host connected to networks through WAPs.

So we also need wireless network adapter to connect WAPs. 

In larger WLANs, the WAP has to connect to a wired switch.

So guys what is a Virtual LANs (VLANS) ?

VLANS can be wired or wireless and they allow us to grip devices base on there functions.Ina VLAn, the computers, servers, and other network devices are logically connected regardless of there location and physical location does not matter.

Why we use VLAN ?

  • Improved security 
  • Traffic management  
  • Make a network simpler.
VLAN can logically create several virtual networks to separate the network broadcast traffic.

Lets talk about Perimeter  Networks.

Perimeter networks, or demilitarized zones (DMZs), are small LANs that are set up outside of an organization's LAN and it helps to improve your security in your network.


These thing help to understand the types of local area networks plus we also learn about DMZ called demilitarize zones.


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